#10 When You Have to Wait to Expand the Farm

“Leaning in to where you are and finding the resources you already have accessible to you to make the most of the situation.”

In this episode, I wanted to talk about my current season of life and it happens to be a waiting season.  For me, I’m not a big fan of waiting. I like to have a plan so this period of wait and see has not been easy. However, I’m coming around to accepting this is where me and my family are at in our farming journey, and I talk about some things I’m doing to help.

If you are also in a waiting season, I hope this episode can give you comfort and perseverance to keep going to get to the other side of the wait!  

Episode at a Glance:

[2:34]: Season of waiting

“Waiting for me is something I don’t know what to do with.”

[10:20] Choosing to focus on…

“Some things that I am choosing to focus on is creating experiences for my kids where we are at now.” 

[13:18] Learning from others

 I have gained so much knowledge from TikTok. Just hearing the information that other people put out there or have seen their infrastructure that they have on their farm and trying to learn from that and think about how I’m going to implement that on our farm one day. 

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

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#12 Beginning Farming and Resetting Your Farm Practices with DL Lautenbach

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About the Host of Farming on Purpose, Lexi Wright:

I’m your host, Lexi Wright. I started the Farming on Purpose Podcast from a passion for sharing the stories of agriculture from generations past, preserving the skills and lessons learned along the way, and ensuring the best of that is passed onto those who will continue to lead the way into the future of production agriculture.

I’m so glad you’re here and I hope you’ll take a moment to join the conversation with me and other listeners on social media. 

Connect with me on Instagram @wrightatthemoment, Facebook, and TikTok

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#11 Toss Your To-Do List for a Minute


#9 Comparing our Capacity as Farm Moms