#11 Toss Your To-Do List for a Minute

“There are so many stories from people in my life that I would like to hear and I need to take time to hear them.” 

In this episode, I wanted to share with you a reminder to be more present. I find it is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the holiday season and focus too much on my to-do list tasks, that I sometimes forget to be present with my family. Spending time with family and making memories is so important, and after losing my grandma this year, you realize time with your family members is not infinite. So take the time to talk with and listen to the people you hold dear.

Episode at a Glance:

[1:40]: Throw your to-do list away

Take time to relax and reset after the holidays.

[3:00] Enjoy the company you are in

Be present and take time to listen to people’s stories.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

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About the Host of Farming on Purpose, Lexi Wright:

I’m your host, Lexi Wright. I started the Farming on Purpose Podcast from a passion for sharing the stories of agriculture from generations past, preserving the skills and lessons learned along the way, and ensuring the best of that is passed onto those who will continue to lead the way into the future of production agriculture.

I’m so glad you’re here and I hope you’ll take a moment to join the conversation with me and other listeners on social media. 

Connect with me on Instagram @wrightatthemoment, Facebook, and TikTok

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