Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright

#19 Homesteading Skills with a Farm Family with 14 Hands Ranch

“I would say we are more of a farm than a homestead but to me it’s more this is how our grandparents were living and how they were raised and they were pretty self-sufficient and independent people and we just feel like that for us right now is the best thing we can do.” 

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my friend and neighbor, Jada Sharp. Jada shared with us how her and her family got started on their farm with goats and sheep and how their farm has changed along with her family’s roles. Jada also dove into how a few bars of goat milk soap and bottles of goat milk lotion lead to her starting her business, 14 Hands Ranch.

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Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright

#9 Comparing our Capacity as Farm Moms

“Nothing looks like you think it will in motherhood.”

In this episode, I wanted to talk about motherhood and what being a mother on a farm looks like for me. My motherhood journey was not what I had anticipated and I had a hard time accepting that I couldn’t be as active on the farm as I wanted to be or thought I would be. Once I accepted that in this season of motherhood, my roles on the farm are different but will change one day, I am able to enjoy where I am in this season and find tasks that utilize my strengths.

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Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright Parenting, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright

#8 Shifting Seasons in Motherhood and Ranching with Richelle Barrett

“Learn to be ok with where you are at in your life.”

Richelle Barrett, a cattle rancher from Montana, joins us this week to talk about navigating ranching with your family and some of the struggles that come with being a cattle rancher. Richelle also speaks on being in the evaluation phase of her ranching journey and how to be ok with where she is, even if it's not what she imagined life would look like.

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