#4 The Power of Courage in Farm Management Discussions with Elaine Froese

Helping farm families communicate and resolve conflict 

If there is one thing Elaine Froese is passionate about, it’s that conflict is not a bad thing. This week’s guest, Elaine Froese, is Canada’s Farm Whisperer. She spends her time coaching farm families through growth and transition, with an emphasis on understanding. 

Elaine grew up as a farm kid, and fell in love with and married a seed farmer over 40 years ago. Together, she and her husband have had their fair share of growth and change on the farm. In this episode, she shared with us her knowledge on how to resolve and overcome challenges, not avoid them.

About our guest: Elaine Froese - Canada

Elaine Froese, Canada's Farm Whisperer, is helping farm families in transition find harmony through understanding. Elaine farms a 5,000-acre seed farm in SW Manitoba Canada with her husband, son and daughter in-law, and 3 adorable grandchildren. She's on a mission to get clarity of expectations and certainty of timelines for better communication.
You can connect with Elaine on all social media @farmfamilycoach, or through her upcoming speaking events.

Episode At a Glance:

[8:35]: Fairness doesn’t have a template

“My question is: what does fairness look like to you? Because, my definition is, fairness in farm transition is helping everyone in the family be successful. And that looks a lot different than what people are doing right now.”

[12:43] Creating certainty 

“I’m pressing people to change their mindset. Where is it written that you can’t give gifts with a warm hand, not just a cold one? And, where is it written that that young farmer couldn’t have his name on the deed or the title of that land while grandma was still living? And then when she dies, it rolls to him. That creates certainty.”

[18:39] Begin conversations about transition 

“Well, the best time to start the conversations about transitions are when your children are young and at the table.”

[21:57] The barrier to transition

“I think why people aren’t doing this work of transition is because they don’t know where to start. And they just get anxious, and go ‘I know I’m supposed to do this.’”

[27:59] Changing your role

“Because your role changes. You’re not getting kicked off the farm, but you have to let go graciously. And what does that look like? It looks like having agreements, and transitioning the wealth, and sharing the shares. And, having meetings where everyone has a voice at the table.”

[31:27] It’s about the people

“I would say, regardless of how many acres or how many cows you’re ranching, or whatever. It’s really about the people. It’s about how you’re managing people and how you’re resolving conflict.”

[33:47] Conflict is not bad

“Conflict is not bad. Unresolved conflict is horrible. But conflict helps you get clarity.”

[45:37] Purpose

“We all need purpose and meaning. So, what my encouragement to you, as next-gen, is to believe in the power of words, and putting the words down on paper.”

[54:49] Legacy – it’s more than land

“When I talk about legacy, I just want to talk about the fact that it’s more than land. Legacy to me, is the culture that you leave for your family. So that the next generation has great stories to tell and is thankful for the opportunity when given. That’s what legacy means to me.”

Links from the Episode

StrenghtsFinder 2.0

Necessary Endings

Encouraging the Heart: A Leader's Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others

The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

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About the Host of Farming on Purpose, Lexi Wright:

I’m your host, Lexi Wright. I started the Farming on Purpose Podcast from a passion for sharing the stories of agriculture from generations past, preserving the skills and lessons learned along the way, and ensuring the best of that is passed onto those who will continue to lead the way into the future of production agriculture.

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