#44 Our Farm Transition Story Part 1

Our Farm Transition Story Part 1

“I think there are still a lot of questions about what the future of the farm is going to look like and what we’re going to do with it. People want to be involved and I’m honestly really grateful for that, that they feel so proud of the family farm, that they want to see things do well and see it succeed and be the beautiful place that they remember it being.”

For this week’s episode, I wanted to share our farm transition story. In past episodes I mentioned our move and a little about our farm transition, but today I wanted to dive deeper into what that move looked like for our family. I talked about our previous acreage that we bought not long after getting married and the downside of that property. After deciding we needed to move to expand our operation, I shared about our farm shopping experience. Then when we wanted to move forward purchasing my husband’s family farm, there was a lot that went into making that possible as well as renovations that have happened and are still in progress on the family farm. Now we are getting settled and into new routines and continuing to make progress on our forever homestead and farm.  

Don’t forget to join our Facebook group, Farming On Purpose, to enter for our one year anniversary giveaways, check out our merch for the podcast, to share your stories, and support other farmers and ranchers!

At a glance:

  • Our beginning farm and looking into expanding our operation.

  • Buying the family farm and the big move.

  •  Renovations and the progress we are making on our homestead and farm.

  • The future of the farm.

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About the Host of Farming on Purpose, Lexi Wright:

I’m your host, Lexi Wright. I started the Farming on Purpose Podcast from a passion for sharing the stories of agriculture from generations past, preserving the skills and lessons learned along the way, and ensuring the best of that is passed onto those who will continue to lead the way into the future of production agriculture.

I’m so glad you’re here and I hope you’ll take a moment to join the conversation with me and other listeners on social media. 

Connect with me on Instagram @wrightatthemoment, Facebook, and TikTok.

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